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已吸过培养液的吸管不能再用火焰烧灼,因残留在吸管内的培养液成分如蛋白质...该公司主要是做人、动物(牛、犬 、鸡、猫、小鼠、猪、兔子、大鼠)原代...Cell Biologics公司提供高质量的基因改造小鼠及正常小鼠原代内皮细胞,小鼠干细胞...

Cynomolgus monkeyElectron microscopyBackground: Knowledge of the structure ...lymphocyte extravasation were present in both primary and secondary ...Increased cell density and virtual elimination of intercellular space ...

Growing Trans-Species Islets in Tumor Extract-Remodeled Testicles doi:10.1002/advs.201801694diabetesimmune tolerancetesticlestumor extractxenogeneic cancer cellsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdAdvanced Science...


Reconstitute lyophilized recombinant human Activin A in sterile PBS containing 0.1% human serum albumin. Further dilutions should be made in low endotoxin medium or a buffered solution conta... 查看更多 靶标信息Activins...